Wednesday, June 15

 For approximately twenty-seven trips around the sun, I have been disgusted to the extreme by detached hair. Ask any of my past roommates or kin and they will tell you that hair, especially another human's hair, is right up there on the gross factor with snakes. Perhaps it has something to do with the way they try to avoid say, the drain in a bath tub at all costs. They just slither up the walls and scummy shower curtains, trying to find their way out. Snakes on a plane is my #1 worst nightmare, followed closely behind by hair in a bathtub. To my detest, I have been making an appearance in my #2 nightmare for approximately 5-7 minutes a day. I am sharing a loo with 3 other girls, all of which have long, black hair. Needless to say, some of their best assets (past tense) are really testing my tolerance levels. The only redeeming fact is that they (the hairs) are clean.

When given a yellow receipt that reads: NO RETURNS OR EXCHANGE EVEN IF MALFUNCTION in bold handwritten letters at the bottom, you should definitely reconsider your purchase. There is a tech store next to my gym, and I was desperate for an Ethernet cord for my room (no www means no whittyalacity), so I thought, "How convenient, I'll just run in." I should have turned right back around when I saw 14 men of Middle Eastern decent scatter like field mice as I approached the counter. "Sketchy in Times Square? How could that be?" I internally laughed at myself, predicting what I was about to do would not be my most intelligent moment. Well, I am here to warn you against purchasing a $40 Ethernet cord on 49th street without "shopping around." Blonde move for sure ($10 at University bookstore). I'll blame desperation and loyalty to my blog followers. (Donations can be sent to...)

Today was my first reporting mission. I would love to tell you what I covered, but you would hear a distant chime "Off with her head!" I'll just say that I met and interviewed some very powerful women. Some of you female readers might be wearing "them" right now. Another attendee was a real treat... you could say she paved the way for measly writers like myself. I felt honored to have these celebs as my first assignment!  My "good day" high inspired me to take a moment on my walk home this evening, around dusk, in a perfect 70 degrees, to follow fire flies through hydrangea gardens on campus... the air was intoxicating and the flying lights provided sweet previews of petal palettes. I felt like I was making my cameo in The Secret Garden. Simply dreamy. Much better than shower time.

1 comment:

  1. I think the hair thing is in your genes. My mom is not at all a big fan of hair so I think it was passed down. Pretty much the same way you are!! I love “living” in NYC through you!! Oh to be young and experiencing every facet of the world. What a great chapter in your life! NB
